Thursday, July 14, 2016

Cameron Parish, 07/14/2016; Brief Emergence From Aestivation

Young Sandwich Tern with adult. Some young terns have dramatic and beautiful plumage. 
Ditto for young Willets.
Phillip Wallace photographs a Pomarine Jaeger. 
Pomarine Jaeger. 
All of the above on Rutherford and Broussard beaches in the morning. Numbers of some species such as Wilson's, Snowy, and Piping Plovers were high. At least two Wilson's Plovers were wearing yellow color bands; I assume this is the work of Katie Barnes, who seems to be doing some seriously good work down there. There was also at least one banded Piping Plover. Phillip probably got excellent photos of all banded birds. 

A ferry outage shortened our route in the afternoon. 

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