Friday, July 26, 2013

Cameron Parish, 7/17 and 7/25

We say, “Le chien qui va a la chasse perd sa place,” but I could just as easily say, “Si sa place est la chasse, le chien qui va pas a la chasse va perdre sa place.” 

No chasse for me; I’ve been in suspended animation for most of the summer--most of the year, actually-- with projects and plans.  However, I did manage a solo trip to Cameron Parish last week, and one yesterday with Mac Myers. 

In the woods last week, the only real action was the movement of Orchard Orioles and insects.  Some woodlots were so dense with mosquitoes that each step would result in hundreds of mosquitoes rising up.  

The beaches offered fewer chances to donate blood, but great looks at terns, including young Sandwich Terns with pale bills and intricate dark markings on their backs, and adults with their plain backs and yellow-tipped black bills. 

In the woods, a White-tailed Kite was conspicuous, perhaps a bit too much so for an Eastern Kingbird.

Yesterday, Mac and I stuck to the beaches.  Highlights were Wilson’s Plovers, of which we saw about 130, including this juvenile blending in with a wrack line of sargassum. 

On the way home, we lucked onto a Western Kingbird that was picking off angry wasps from a nest high on a power pole.  This species isn't expected to nest locally, so this may have been a summer wanderer. 

Hopefully my schedule will level out soon and give me more chances to head out soon.  There are good things out there right now, waiting to be seen.  

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