Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Winter hummer goodbye

I had quite a few winter hummers this year, so many in fact that I was unable to create enough territories for them all in my yard. Individuals would either drift between feeders or make quick raids into the yard from other places.  As a result, I have no idea how many hummers I hosted.  Dave Patton banded quite a few, most of which were Black-chinned Hummingbirds, but a few managed to avoid his traps.

As of yesterday, two of these Black-chinneds were still hanging out in the yard.  Both are males, and I believe both were from last year's brood.  However, I didn't see either one today.  Gone?


The top bird is looking pretty good.  It should be indistinguishable from all of the other male Black-chinneds.  The bottom bird was a mess just a few weeks ago.  Its flight feathers were almost all old, its throat had very little dark feathering, and its sides were still lacking a strong vest.  Its development seemed to be behind schedule, and I thought it would have to either molt fast or stay stuck here for a while.  I think it did both.  It looks pretty good now, with the pale gap on the chin being the only obvious sign of its unfinished molt.  

I was hoping at least one bird would stay into May, but it looks like I might have fallen a day or two short.  

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