Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How like a winter

I finally got my binoculars back from repairs today.  They took a tumble last November and got knocked out of alignment, and I sent them off in early December.  They might not look great, but they seem to see pretty well so far.

In their absence, I used my old Zeiss Classics for several months, but it wasn't very comfortable.  The old Classics have great glass, but their inability to close-focus and the fact that they focus in reverse from my other pair were a pain.  I got a loaner pair of Zeiss Conquests that made birding more bearable last month.  They still focused "backwards" for me, but they focus within about 6 inches of where my pair can, which was nice.  Still, it felt nice to get my beat up old pair back.  

I hope the fixes hold.  I can't wait to have them for a whole day in the field.  

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