Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mountain Plover, 12/14/2012

Michael Seymour has found some pretty memorable birds in Louisiana, including second state records of Jabiru Stork and Gray Flycatcher, and he and his CBC party added another good one yesterday.  The Mountain Plover they found yesterday near Thornwell is the first ever for Louisiana.

Mountain Plovers are birds of the Great Plains (not mountains).  In the past, they were incredibly numerous, but their numbers have dropped steeply in the past several decades.  These plovers nest as near to us as west Texas and winter across south Texas, so it's odd that the first one comes when the fortunes of the species are so low.  It's long overdue.

Congrats to Michael for finding it, and to Mike Musumeche and Jay Huner for relocating it about two miles from its original location after it hightailed it.  

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