Sunday, November 11, 2012

Western Accent

There was a bit of a western flavor to today's birding in Cameron Parish.  I was down with Dave Patton, Mac Myers, and David Muth.  Among the birds we saw were Calliope Hummingbird (found by Dave Patton), Spotted Towhee (below), Western Tanager (below), Say's Phoebe, possible Townsend's Warbler seen by Mac Myers, plus more regular westerners like Swainson's Hawk, and Franklin's Gull. 

Conditions started off as horrible but improved to pretty bad as the day went on.  Gusting south winds and morning rain gave way to steady but manageable winds, then steady rain late in the day.

Spotted Towhee, Peveto Sanctuary (found by David Muth)

Western Tanager, Peveto Sanctuary (found by David Muth)
Say's Phoebe, near Willow Island (stakeout)

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