Friday, November 23, 2012

Jeff Davis Parish, 11/23/2012

I took a drive to unwind and listen to the Tigers game today.  I headed west to the Lacassine exit off of I-10 in Jefferson Davis Parish.  

First I went north, but got turned around by rain.  Near the turf farm on Turf Grass Road, I had a couple of good sightings.  The cottonmouth may have been moving ahead of the cold weather.  The Long-billed Curlew is a good bird to find inland, and is just plain a cool bird.  

I headed south and then west, toward Lake Arthur.  East of Thornwell I found a couple of tractors busting up plowed soil, shooting huge sheets of dust into the air.  Apparently, this was pretty attractive to hawks, because the field was full of them.

There were 11 Swainson's Hawks there at least, which is pretty odd for this time of year.

There was also a Ferruginous Hawk in the field, as well as a couple of Red-tailed Hawks.  Quite a nice field full of hawks.  

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