Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weekend of January 25th and 26th

Last weekend, I worked the Mire Quad for the winter bird atlas, getting it over the 20-hour mark, and then went down to the coast with Dave Patton and Mac Myers to explore Sabine Pass in Dave's boat.  
The Mire Quad is just northwest of Lafayette, but the land is slightly different, a little higher and drier, maybe, and with a bit of a wave to it.  The area featured mostly dry fields and thin roadside treelines.  Nothing fancy there, but fun stuff: 
Carolina Chickadee

Carolina Wren

Common Ground Dove.  One of three that I came across.  

Hermit Thrush

Yellow-rumped Warbler.  The Swiss Army Warbler.  

White-throated Sparrow

The trip to the coast was fun,  The seas were rough, but the water was okay inside the channel.  

Bonaparte's Gull

Brown Pelican
American Oystercatcher.  These are always a treat. 

Herring Gull

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