Monday, October 17, 2011

Red-necked Phalarope, Kaplan area

A surprise yesterday tucked in among a few thousand ducks, coots, and other waterbirds was this Red-necked Phalarope.  These northern nesting shorebirds spend their winters at sea, but I guess they have to fly across land to get there.  I was lucky to cross this one's path.  


  1. Thanks, Paul, for both finding this and posting such good directions. Jeff and I were able to get on the bird after scoping the pond thoroughly; it's a state bird for me and a lifer for him. I don't have the ability to chase every rarity reported (would that I could!) but when I do it's nice when the groundwork is nicely laid.

  2. Kevin,
    My pleasure! I'm glad you guys got it.

  3. Hey Paul,

    I never saw the bird again after you left the other day. I did manage 3 Yellow-headed blackbirds on Shams Rd. near Dunlov (spelling). I had not seen them in awhile.

    I noticed in a recent blog post that you had birded France in the recent past. I am going to Toulouse, Avignon, Doucier and eventually Paris, in a whirlwind business trip this Nov. 11-18. I have 1 day for birding. Any suggestions on what I might do? Can I still see the C. Cranes this time of year?
