Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beach Surveys, 2/26/2011

Yesterday, Mac Myers and I conducted a set of LSUMNS-BRC/ABA beach surveys in Cameron Parish. The most notable aspect of the day was the persistent sea fog that rolled in and was especially dense later in the day.  Also noteworthy was the huge number of scaup offshore with a few scoters mixed in; we had several Surf, 2 Black, and a sleeping scoter that I suspect was a White-winged.  Gull numbers were so-so, although there were good numbers of Ring-billeds, a fair number of Herring, 2 Lesser Black-backed and some Bonaparte's.  There was also a Glaucous Gull  (photo above; click 1 or 2 times to enlarge) on the rocks of Holly Beach.  Note also the color of the pouches of the pelicans in the photo.  There's been some talk lately about the brown pouch color of Atlantic versus red of Pacific Brown Pelicans, and the fact that red pouches have been seen in Louisiana.  In this photo, one pouch is red, the other brown.

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