Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cameron Parish Birding, LOS Fall Weekend, 10/30/2010

            It was a pretty happy day-before-Halloween. Temps were very cool in the early morning, there was a light breeze all day, and mosquitoes were bearable. Best of all, it was a good moving day for birds, especially sparrows and winter warblers. Especially abundant were Savannah Sparrows, Palm, Pine, Orange-crowned,and Yellow-rumped Warblers (including one Audubon's Warbler).
            I birded with Mac Myers. We did pretty well, managing to relocate the Ferruginous Hawk (being harassed by a Marsh Hawk, bottom) that James Beck had reported a few days earlier, and also lucking onto a Burrowing Owl (middle) and a Sage Thrasher (top).

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